Big Camp Registration

For many, Big Camp at Tui Ridge is the TIME and PLACE where great memories were born. Memories of heartfelt worship and decisions for Christ because of Bible teachings. A place of connecting with old and new friends. (And it’s a place of gumboots and rain, and smiles despite the weather.)

I know that Big Camp 2025 will be well worth attending as much prayer and preparation has gone into it. Our theme for the upcoming Big Camp is a bold one. It’s just one word, HARVEST. In previous Big Camps we have been following the Conference vision of Connect, Grow, Multiply. Harvest opens the door for multiplication. James 3:18 says: Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness. That’s what we pray for at Big Camp 2025.

We invite you to register to be a part of this amazing event.

Applications close 30th November, 2024


Most mistakes and problems with your booking can be avoided by reading carefully ALL the information throughout the booking process.

Please go through the registration process carefully to help minimise mistakes and the administration workload required to fix them.

Medical & 70+ : Special Accomodation Expression of Interest

Private dorm room and cabin accomodation is by special request for people 70+ years or with medical conditions only. If you wish to book one of these accomodation options, please click here to submit an expression of interest.

Please Note:

  • All applications will be processed as they are received and paid in full.
  • The campground has a limit of 1400 people that are allowed to stay and sleep on the grounds.




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